- By conceiving the Wisdom(第八調式,坐讚詞)
- Having laid up all their hope(第六調式,行間讚詞)
- Hearken, ye women(第二調式,差遣讚詞)
- Joachim and Anna(第四調式,集禱頌)
- Joseph was amazed(第四調式,遣散頌)
- Let us worship the Word(第五調式,坐讚詞)
- O changeless Light of the Light(第三調式,差遣讚詞)
- O house of Ephratha(第二調式,後行間讚詞)
- O strange wonder(第一調式,行間讚詞)
- O strange wonder(第八調式,行間讚詞)
- On the mount(第七調式,集禱頌)
- Rejoice(第五調式,行間讚詞)
- The three most great luminaries(第一調式,差遣頌)
- Thou art the joy(第一調式,行間讚詞)
- Thou Who, as God, adornest(第三調式,差遣讚詞)
- Thou who wast called from on high(第四調式,行間讚詞)
- Thou Who wast raised up(第四調式,坐讚詞)
- Thy confession(第三調式,坐讚詞)
- Unto them that fear Thee(第四調式,行間讚詞)
- Upon that mount in Galilee(第二調式,差遣讚詞)
- When the bodiless one(第八調式,坐讚詞)
- While Gabriel was saying(第一調式,坐讚詞)
- With what fair crowns(第二調式,行間讚詞)
- While Thy disciples looked on Thee(第二調式,差遣讚詞)