After the Crucifixion of our Lord, His most precious Robe was obtained by lot by a certain Elioz, a Georgian soldier who took part in the execution. He in turn brought it to Georgia where it remained until that land was overrun by the Persians. Shah Abbas, seeking to establish good relations with Tsar Michael Feodorovich, sent the Robe to Moscow as a gift for the Tsar and Patriarch Philaret. This took place in March of 1625, and was appointed to be celebrated on this day in July.
我們的主被釘在十字架上後,祂最寶貴的長袍被一位參與行刑的格魯吉亞士兵埃利奧茲抽籤獲得。他又把它帶到了格魯吉亞,直到格魯吉亞被波斯人佔領。夏•阿巴斯為了與沙皇米哈伊爾•費奧多羅維奇沙皇建立良好關係,將長袍作為禮物送往莫斯科,贈送給沙皇和斐拉瑞特宗主教。此事發生在 1625 年 3 月,教會指定在 7 月的這一天慶祝這一事件。
The Forty-five Martyrs of Nicopolis contested during the reign of Licinius, in the year 315. After many torments, they were burnt alive.
Saint Anthony, who was born in the province of Chernigov, was tonsured in the Monastery of Esphigmenou on the Holy Mountain, Athos, from whence he was sent by his abbot to Kiev to plant the monastic life in 1013, two years before the death of Saint Vladimir, Great Prince of Kiev. Dwelling at first as a hermit, the Saint gradually drew to himself others wishing to emulate his way of life. When the number of the brethren grew, a wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Theotokos was built, thus laying the foundation of what was to become the renowned Kiev Caves Lavra. Refusing the abbotship, Saint Anthony entrusted this to his disciples, first to the blessed Barlaam, then to Saint Theodosius (see May 3), and his whole life struggled as a cave-dwelling hermit. He reposed in peace in 1073 at the age of ninety.
遣散頌(救主) 第四調式
On this day let us the faithful run to the divine and healing robe of our Saviour and God, Who was pleased to wear our flesh and pour out His holy Blood on the Cross, whereby He hath redeemed us from slavery to the enemy. Wherefore, we thankfully cry to Him: By Thy precious robe save and defend Orthodox Christians, and bishops, and cities, and all men everywhere, and save our souls, for Thou art the Friend of man.
遣散頌(殉道者) 第四調式
Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee * received as the prize the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. * For since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants * and wholly destroyed the demons’ strengthless presumption. * O Christ God, by their prayers, save our soul, since Thou art merciful.
遣散頌(義人) 第四調式
Having left the turmoil of the world, thou didst follow Christ according to the Gospel by renouncing the world; and having lived a life equal to the Angels, thou didst attain to the quiet haven of Holy Mount Athos. Thence, with the blessing of the fathers, thou camest to the mountain of Kiev, and living there an arduous life, thou didst illumine thy fatherland. And showing a multitude of monastics the path that leadeth to the Heavenly Kingdom, thou didst bring them to Christ. Pray to Him, O Saint Anthony, that He save our souls.
集禱頌(救主) 第四調式
Thou hast bestowed upon all men, O Master, Thy precious robe as a divine treasure, as a garment of incorruption, healing, and salvation, for thereby wast Thou pleased to clothe the holy and life-giving flesh of Thine Incarnation. Receiving this relic with faith, we joyfully celebrate this glorious occasion, and praising Thee with fear and love as our Benefactor, we cry to Thee, O Christ: In Thy great mercy, keep Orthodox Christians and their pastors and all Thy people in peace.
君宰啊,祢將祢寶貴的長袍賜予所有人,作為神聖的寶茂,作為不朽、治愈和救贖的外衣,因為祢樂意以此為你降生的聖潔而又賦予生命的肉體披上衣服。我們滿懷信心地接受這一聖物,歡欣鼓舞地慶祝這一榮耀的時刻,帶著對祢的敬畏和愛,讚美祢是我們的恩主,我們向祢高呼:基督: 以祢的大慈大悲,守護正教基督徒和他們的牧者以及你所有的子民於平安之中。
集禱頌(殉道者) 第八調式
For love of Christ our God, ye endured many torments valiantly, * destroying polytheistic idolatry, O Martyrs of Nicopolis; * and by Christ’s mighty power, * ye destroyed all the error of wicked godlessness. * Teach us with faith and boldness to cry aloud: Alleluia.
尼科頗利的殉道者,你們為了愛我們的天主基督,英勇地忍受了眾多苦難,摧毀了多神教的偶像崇拜;靠著基督的大能,你們摧毀了一切邪惡無神的錯謬。請教導我們懷著信心和勇氣高呼: 阿肋路亞。
集禱頌(義人) 第八調式
Surrendering thyself to God Whom thou didst love from thy youth above all, O Saint, thou didst lovingly follow Him with thy whole soul. And counting the material things of the world as vanity, thou didst make a cave in the earth, where thou didst fight the good fight against the wiles of the invisible enemy, and like a brilliant sun thou didst illumine all the ends of the earth. Thence thou didst pass rejoicing to the heavenly palaces. And now as thou standest with the Angels before the Master’s throne, remember us who honour thy memory, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O Anthony our Father.