The Prophet Michaias (whose name means “who is like God?”), was a Morasthite from the land of Judah. He prophesied more than fifty years in the days of Joatham, Ahaz, and Hezekias, Kings of Judah. These kings reigned in the eighth century before Christ. From this it is clear that this Michaias is not the one who was the son of Iembla (or Imlah – III Kings 22:8), who censured Ahab and was murdered by Ahab’s son Joram, as the Synaxaristes says; for this Joram reigned the ninth century before Christ. Yet Michaias was still prophesying, as mentioned above, in the days of Hezekias, who was a contemporary of Hosea and Esaias, and of Hoshea, the last king of the ten tribes of Israel, when that kingdom was destroyed by Salmanasar (Shalmaneser), King of the Assyrians (IV Kings 17:1–16; 18:1). This Michaias is sixth in rank among the minor Prophets. His book of prophecy is divided into seven chapters; he prophesied that the Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Michaias 5:2). In the reign of Saint Theodosius the Great, the holy relics of the Prophets Michaias and Abbacum were found through a divine revelation to Zebennus, Bishop of Eleutheropolis (Sozomen, Eccl. Hist., Book VII, 29).
先知米該亞(這名字的意思是「誰如天主?」)是猶大的摩勒舍特地方的人。他在猶大王約堂、阿哈次和希則克雅年間講預言五十多年之久。這幾位都是於主前八世紀在位的猶大王。由此可知,這位米該亞並不是如《集會書》所說的那樣,是伊穆布拉(或依默拉──王上22:8)的兒子,曾斥責阿哈布,被阿哈布的兒子耶曷蘭殺害;因為耶曷蘭於主前九世紀在位的。然而,如上所述,在與歐瑟亞和依撒意亞同時代的希則克雅,以及以色列十支派的最後一位國王曷舍亞的時代,米該亞仍在講預言,當時以色列王國被亞述國王沙耳瑪乃色所滅(王下17:1-16;18:1)。米該亞在小先知中排名第六。他的先知書分為七章;他預言基督將誕生在白冷(米5:2)。在聖德奧多西大帝在位時期,在天主的啟示下,先知米該亞斯和哈巴谷的聖髑被埃柳塞波利斯主教澤本諾找到(索佐蒙,《教會史》,第七卷,29 頁)。
遣散頌(慶節前期) 第四調式
In faith, O ye people, leap for joy while clapping your hands; * and gather in gladness on this day with longing and shout in radiant jubilance. * For the Theotokos cometh nigh to departing * from the earth unto the heights; and we glorify her * with glory as the Mother of God in our unceasing hymns.
遣散頌(先知) 第二調式
As we celebrate the memory of Thy Prophet Michaias, O Lord, through him we beseech Thee to save our souls.
集禱頌(慶節前期) 第四調式
In the Immaterial * Spirit, the whole world * hath been mystically adorned * upon the glorious memory; * and it doth cry to thee joyously: * Rejoice, O Virgin, thou boast of the Christian race.
集禱頌(先知) 第四調式
With the Holy Spirit’s beams * wast thou enlightened, * setting forth in prophecy * the condescension of Christ God, * O blest Michaias; and by His grace * we who revere thee are saved from eternal death.