

Our righteous Mother Euphrosyne, who lived during the reign of Saint Theodosius the Younger (408–450), was the daughter of Paphnutius of Egypt. Forsaking her father and his wealth, she renamed herself Smaragdus, and pretending to be a eunuch of the imperial palace, she dressed herself as a man and entered a monastery of men where her identity remained unknown until her repose thirty-eight years later.


Our righteous Father Sergius was born in Rostov, north of Moscow, about the year 1314. Named Bartholomew in Baptism, he was brought up in Radonezh, and at the death of his parents he withdrew to the wilderness to become a monk. It is notable that without having been trained in a monastery, he was of such a spiritual stature as to be able to take up the perilous eremitical life from the beginning, without falling into delusion or despondency. When he had endured with courage the deprivations of the solitary life, other monks began to come to him, for whom he was made abbot against his will. On the counsel of Philotheus, Patriarch of Constantinople, he organized his monks according to the cenobitic life, appointing duties to each. While Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev, and the other righteous Fathers before Sergius, had established their monasteries near to cities, Sergius was the leader and light of those who went far into the wilderness, and after his example the untrodden forests of northern Russia were settled with monks. When Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy was about to go to battle against the invading Tartars, he first sought the blessing of Saint Sergius, through whose prayers he was triumphant. Saint Sergius was adorned with the highest virtues of Christ-like humility and burning love for God and neighbor, and received the gift of working wonders, of casting out demons, and of discretion for leading souls to salvation. When he served the Divine Liturgy, an Angel served with him visibly; he was also vouchsafed the visitation of the most holy Theotokos with the Apostles Peter and John. He was gathered to his Fathers on September 25, 1392. At the recovery of his holy relics on July 5, 1422, his body and garments were found fragrant and incorrupt. His life was written by the monk Epiphanius, who knew him.



遣散頌(聖歐福若西尼) 第八調式

In thee the image was preserved with exactness, O Mother; for taking up thy cross, thou didst follow Christ, and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to overlook the flesh, for it passeth away, but to attend to the soul since it is immortal. Wherefore, O righteous Euphrosyne, thy spirit rejoiceth with the Angels.


遣散頌(聖塞爾吉) 第四調式

As an athlete in virtue, and as a true soldier of Christ our God, thou didst struggle mightily against the passions in this temporal life, and thou wast a model for thy disciples in psalmody, vigils, and fasts. Wherefore, the Most Holy Spirit dwelt in thee, and thou wast radiantly adorned by His grace. But since thou hast boldness with the Holy Trinity, remember the flock which thou didst gather, O wise one; and forget not to visit thy children as thou didst promise, O Sergius our holy Father.


集禱頌(聖歐福若西尼) 第二調式

Desiring to reach * the life on high, thou earnestly * didst spurn every vain * and fleeting pleasure here below * and didst live among men as if a man, O all-famed Euphrosyne, * since for Christ thy Bridegroom’s sake thou * forsookest a bridegroom that was temporal.


集禱頌(聖塞爾吉) 第八調式

Wounded with love for Christ, O Saint, and having followed Him with unwaning desire, thou didst hate all carnal pleasure, and like the sun thou didst shine on thy fatherland. Wherefore, Christ hath enriched thee with the gift of wonderworking. Remember us who honour thy most illustrious memory, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O divinely-wise Sergius.


