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“When the fire descends into the heart,” says St. John Climacus, “it revives prayer. And when prayer has risen and ascended to heaven, then the descent of the fire takes place into the cenacle of the soul.”10 It is evident that the saint is speaking from his own blessed experience. Something similar happened in the case of St. Maximus Kapsokalivitis. “From my youth,” he told St. Gregory the Sinaite,


I had great faith in my lady, the Mother of God, and besought her with tears to grant me the grace of mental prayer. Once I came to her temple as usual and fervently prayed to her for this. I went up to her icon and reverently kissed her image. Suddenly I felt as if there fell into my breast and heart a warmth which did not burn, but bedewed and delighted me, and stirred my soul to compunction. From that moment my heart began to say the prayer within itself, and my mind began to delight in the remembrance of my Jesus and the Mother of God and to have Him, the Lord Jesus, constantly within itself. Since then the prayer has never ceased in my heart.11


The prayer of grace appeared suddenly, unexpectedly, as a gift from God. The saint’s soul had been prepared to receive the gift of prayer by fervent, attentive, humble, constant prayer. The prayer of grace did not stay in the saint without its usual concomitants, quite unknown and uncongenial to the carnal and natural state.

An abundant manifestation of spiritual fire in the heart, the fire of divine love, is described by George, the recluse of Zadonsk, from his own experience. But before that, he was sent the divine gift of penitence which purified his heart to receive love (the gift which acts like fire and consumes all that defiles the courts of the holy and mighty Lord), and even took all the strength from his body. “The holy and heavenly fire,” says St. John Climacus, “scorches some on account of their defective purity; but others it enlightens as having attained perfection. The same fire is called a consuming fire and an illuminating light. For this reason some leave their prayer as if it were a hotly heated bathhouse, feeling a certain relief from defilement and earthliness; while others go out shining with light and arrayed in a double garment of joy and humility. But those who after prayer feel neither of these two effects are still praying bodily, and not spiritually.”12 Prayer inspired by divine grace is here called spiritual prayer, while prayer performed by one’s own efforts without the obvious assistance of grace is called bodily prayer. The latter kind of prayer is indispensable, as St. John Climacus says, in order that grace-given prayer may be granted in its time. But how does the prayer of grace intimate its coming? It intimates its coming by supernatural weeping—and the man enters the gates of God’s sanctuary (his heart) with unspeakable thankfulness.
